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XXII (Recorded 17 — 27 June 2015)

This was another quick one. I find that those work out better than the planned out ones. Seven short tracks, three medium length tracks, and three epics. I recorded a few of these songs with GarageBand 10. I was ever the luddite and was afraid to upgrade to something new after years of using version 6. Thankfully I got over my fear, and with a bit of messing around, I figured out the interface. The new synth sounds are amazing! Reminds me a bit of Boards of Canada. There are some really great things on here. Lots of long hypnotic and repetitive drones.

Yes, there is an obvious animal and nature theme going on here. It wasn't really planned to be that way, it just happened.


back cover

for the wolves (1:13)
for the forest (13:42)
for the cows (1:13)
for the swans (6:54)
for the birds (1:13)
for the city (7:17)
for the cats (1:13)
for the shoreline (13:13)
for the dogs (1:13)
for the coyotes (6:48)
for the fawns (1:13)
for the girl (22:49)
for the fishes (1:13)
total time: 79:13



Released: 13 Aug 2015
catalogue number: OSC029RCB024LP79:13
Click to see album artwork

credits and samples

The font cover is an edited version of DSC00526 by Moodycamera Photography and the back cover is an edited version of Forgotten by Cr4nberry.


for the wolves contains samples of — Wolves1 by Ornery.

for the cows contains samples of — 1191_two_cows by reinsamba.

for the swans contains samples of — swans flyby G20bg by Setuniman and "Mexican Megaphone" (downloaded from usenet).

for the birds contains samples of — flock of crows by Tomlija.

for the city contains samples of — Los Gritos de Mexico by felix.blume and seagulls in city 140719_00 by klankbeeld.

for the cats contains samples of — Cat Purring by Pedaling Prince.

for the dogs contains samples of — bsperan-&-pete668__Jake_the_puppy__cut by bsperan.

for the coyotes contains samples of — coyote barks and howls by dkaufman.

for the fawns contains samples of — roaring deer in mating season by jorickhoofd.

for the girl contains samples of — Los Gritos de Mexico by felix.blume and the ALB videos Morticia Addams does your hair and Morticia gets you ready for Valentine's Day.

for the fishes contains samples of — Fish in aquarium by Julien Nicolas.


XXII dynamic range stats

 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR10		-6.26 dB 	-19.13 dB 	01 for the wolves.aif
 DR13		-5.14 dB 	-20.09 dB 	02 for the forest.aif
 DR10		-3.85 dB 	-16.11 dB 	03 for the cows.aif
 DR13		-0.82 dB 	-14.76 dB 	04 for the swans.aif
 DR11		-7.85 dB 	-21.22 dB 	05 for the birds.aif
 DR11		-3.29 dB 	-17.07 dB 	06 for the city.aif
 DR10		-2.37 dB 	-14.63 dB 	07 for the cats.aif
 DR12		-9.17 dB 	-23.87 dB 	08 for the shoreline.aif
 DR12		-3.39 dB 	-17.20 dB 	09 for the dogs.aif
 DR14		-6.85 dB 	-21.34 dB 	10 for the coyotes.aif
 DR11		-5.70 dB 	-18.24 dB 	11 for the fawns.aif
 DR13		-2.29 dB 	-16.94 dB 	12 for the girl.aif
 DR11		-7.64 dB 	-20.41 dB 	13 for the fishes.aif

 Number of files:	13
 Official DR value:	DR12



Legal crap

We are releasing these recordings under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. You're free to post these files on P2P, usenet, your homepage, etc. All that I ask is that you credit me  (with the name Rural Citizens Band), and leave the ID3 tags as is. Please do not change them in any way, as this is a major way I credit myself for the work.

Also, if you use these songs for animations, or whatever, please email me, I'd love to see your work! Feel free to send any other comments, suggestions, etc!


Creative Commons License
XXII by Rural Citizens Band is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.


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