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VIII (recorded during December 2012)

Broken links and missing artwork now restored. Sorry, but I assumed my hosting supported foreign characters in filenames. Don't worry, the ID3 tags will display the correct title!

Our eight album is simple titled VIII. Mostly Spanish titles, with a few other languages thrown in for good measure. I have no idea who the girl on the cover is, but I'm sure she is a really nice and cool young lady and would love being our front cover star.

Third album in three months. Take that, Huskers!

Yes, this album is only available in ALAC. I did this for a couple of reasons, mainly because uploading two versions of each song was becoming a bit of a pain. Also, while you can play ALAC files in most (non-Itunes) media players, you cannot play FLAC files in iTunes. Also, if you really want an mp3 copy (or a FLAC copy) there are many free sound converters out there. Lastly, I like my music lossless. If you truly think this is a bad idea, you can always email me and I'll reconsider this move for future albums.

p.s. – I'll go out on a limb and say that entspannungsübungen is my best song ever.


back cover

obturador (4:35)
lluvia (4:26)
bendito (4:21)
mancomunidad (3:10) [explicit]
puño (4:30)
房間 (4:07)
モントリオール (3:05)
rire (4:41)
окружающий (3:00)
nucleo (4:01)
perderse (3:41)
contratiempo (5:00)
entspannungsübungen (30:35)
total time: 79:04



Released: 10th January 2013
catalogue number: OSC008RCB008LP79:04
Look at the album artwork
Subscribe to podcast for easy alac downloads


bendito — contains a sample of runaway train downloaded from usenet

puño — contains a sample of prayer2 by ERH

房間 — contains a sample of asian ggrO2b1 120 by ERH

モントリオール — contains a sample of Montreal Parc Sounds December 1 by boiling sand

rire — contains samples of Girls Laugh 2 by engreitz, Girl Laugh by lmbubec and Giggling French girls by acclivity

окружающий — contains a sample of The Ambient Sounds by acclivity

perderse — contains a sample of Residential Street Distant Traffic Wet Road by mzui

entspannungsübungen — contains a sample of Rain on roof window distant traffic by palegolas


VIII dynamic range stats

 DR		Peak		RMS		Filename

 DR8		over		-8.66 dB 	obturador.wav
 DR15		-4.89 dB 	-21.59 dB 	lluvia.wav
 DR11		-0.64 dB 	-13.47 dB 	bendito.wav
 DR9		over		-10.01 dB 	mancomunidad.wav
 DR11		-10.96 dB 	-25.74 dB 	puno.wav
 DR11		-4.90 dB 	-16.95 dB 	房間.wav
 DR11		over		-11.96 dB 	モントリオール.wav
 DR7		-3.31 dB 	-11.73 dB 	rire.wav
 DR9		-8.59 dB 	-19.05 dB 	окружающий.wav
 DR10		-1.01 dB 	-13.07 dB 	nucleo.wav
 DR12		-5.45 dB 	-19.07 dB 	perderse.wav
 DR10		-1.26 dB 	-13.80 dB 	contratiempo.wav
 DR9		-1.45 dB 	-10.91 dB 	entspannungsübungen.wav

 Number of files:	13
 Official DR value:	DR10



Legal crap

We are releasing these recordings under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. You're free to post these files on P2P, usenet, your homepage, etc. All that I ask is that you credit me  (with the name Rural Citizens Band), and leave the ID3 tags as is. Please do not change them in any way, as this is a major way I credit myself for the work.

Also, if you use these songs for animations, or whatever, please email me, I'd love to see your work! Feel free to send any other comments, suggestions, etc!


Creative Commons License
   This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License.


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